About me

My name is Emanuela Giovannetti and I have been living in Brussels since 2004.
Graduated in environmental science, I worked for more than a decade managing European projects in the environmental and renewable energy fields in Brussels.
Soon, it became clear to me that my interest in human-related disciplines was calling. So, I first explored dynamic sophrology® and got a diploma of Practitioner at the Association Européenne de Sophrologie Dynamique®/École Belge de Sophrologie Dynamique® (now, Réseau de Sophrologie Dynamique® - RSD). Then, I got trained in the Fundamentals of the Neurocognitive and behavioural Approach at the Institute of Neurocognitivism.
Thanks to a moment of crisis, I decided to pursue my path in the personal development area. I followed a training at the BAO - Élan vital Institut which gave me the qualification of an individual life coach, with a masterclass on burnout and the fundamentals of the Trainer Coach course.
The discovery of high sensitivity (HS) and giftedness really captivated me. Therefore, I've started studying that issue through various titles of referenced authors (i.e. Elaine Aron, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, Monique de Kermadec, Christelle Petitcollin, Béatrice Millêtre, Nadine Kirchgessner, Hervé Magnin, Saverio Tomasella, Elodie Crépel, Fabrice Midal). As of then, I have been supporting these people through sophrology sessions and was trained by Elodie Crépel to "Understanding and detecting high sensitivity" as well as to accompany people to take Dr Elaine Aron's high sensitivity test.
Reconnection with the natural environment we belong to is a key element of my approach. Especially in these times of great changes at the planetary and societal levels, I think getting back to our sources is highly beneficial. Science has already shown that the only fact of strolling in a forest strengthens our immune system. It also lowers our stress levels, makes us feel calmer and more relaxed, improves our mood. The presence of plants and gardens in our places can also contribute to these benefits. This validates the experience of several times for many of us: it is such a pleasure to walk or run in a park or on the shore, to garden, to take care of our indoor plants, or simply smell the scent of a flower. During the '80 the American biologist E. O. Wilson formulated the hypothesis of "biophilia" (the love for life and the living world) to describe our biological need to connect to nature. According to his theory we developed in a natural environment and, as such, we have learnt to love what has concurred to our survival. Being inspired by Shirin - Yoku (forest bathing) as well as by eco-psychology, I either propose some sessions in natural environments or I try to embed natural elements in my indoor sessions. I am, indeed, deeply convinced that nature is a great ally of both coaching and sophrology. I also believe that becoming aware of how much Nature helps our psycho-physical balance could bring us to reconsider the respect we currently devote to our environment. In my opinion, that would also engage us in a real sustainable lifestyle.
Looking forward to meeting you!